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Baltimore Ravens Team Store Pressbox



Monday - 11/26/2001


  • Age: 32
  • College: Vanderbilt
  • Birthdate: October 25, 1969 in Indianapolis, IN. Corey played football, baseball and track at Ben Davis High School in Indianapolis.
  • Corey was a four-year starter at Vanderbilt, playing wide receiver in his first two years and then running back in his last two seasons. During his first season in Green Bay, 1993, Corey played both WR and CB.

Fondest memories of his hometown of Indianapolis:
�It was a wonderful time in my life. I became a part of a high school that had never had a great deal of success in athletics. By the time I left, we had accomplished several firsts. We won the state championship in football, made the semis in basketball and then I went to the states in track. It was great to be a part of that. And since then, Davis has won a few more championships.�

After being an offensive player in college and shortly in the pros, Corey says the transition to defense has been:
�A process and very difficult. From a mental perspective, it is hard because on offense you are given an assignment to do and you just do it and react. But on defense, if one person goes in motion, then the whole defense changes. And just as I was getting comfortable at cornerback, Miami moved me to safety. So here in Baltimore, is the first time I have settled into one position.�

On Shannon Sharpe�s claim that he is the best dressed Raven:
�There was a time, in my day, when being best dressed meant suits, ties and shirts and how well you put them together. I could have easily taken the prize then. But my whole style has changed. I am pretty much a mood dresser. I dress a lot different than most guys on the team. When you have the kind of money that Shannon has, it is difficult to not have everything perfect. But I want to see who can dress the best without the money. Put him in a bargain basement store and see what he comes up with. He may be the best dressed, but I have the most style.�

Corey compares the 2001 Ravens to the 2000 Ravens:
�It has taken us a little bit longer to jell. We have a few more bumps in the road and people on the outside have questioned some of the decisions the organization has made. We are as talented as last year, but in a different way. We have had more crucial injuries, but I think we are headed in the right direction. We have won games in enough tight situations that in our minds we know we can beat anybody, anywhere. Once you get into the tournament, which is the goal, it�s like a whole different perspective.�

If Corey could change anything or moment in his playing career, what would it be?
�If I could change anything and not affect being apart of a Super Bowl Championship team, I would�ve changed Green Bay�s decision to play me strictly on defense.�

The most difficult thing about playing in the NFL is:
�The time that you put in. The time that it takes to be good in this game. You have to spend time working out pretty much year round, and during the season you add film study to that. You spend a lot of time in preparation.�

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