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Baltimore Ravens Team Store Pressbox



Tuesday - 1/22/2001

I want to record every moment
(EDITOR�S NOTE: On the strength of arguably the best defense in NFL history, the Baltimore Ravens qualified for the franchise�s first Super Bowl. Ravens cornerback Chris McAlister will share his experiences in the days leading up to Super Bowl XXXV in an exclusive diary for )
By Chris McAlister
For NFL Insider

Chris' Diaries:
Jan. 17 |
Jan. 18 |
Jan. 19 |
Jan. 22

I guess it�s finally set in: I�m going to the Super Bowl. I�m ready to get to Tampa today, but before we get on the plane, we�re going to be in a mini-parade in Baltimore. I�m glad that we�re going to do something for the people of Baltimore because they really deserve it.
I�ve never seen fans like the people of Baltimore. They have so much enthusiasm for the team and for football. They give you everything they�ve got.
And it�s not just because we�re going to the Super Bowl. I remember last season when we weren�t playing as well, the fans still came to the games�sixty-nine thousand, seventy thousand. They came out and supported the team. And they came out in big numbers before I joined the team, too. There�s a special bond between the fans of Baltimore and the team and I�m glad they�re enjoying our run.
Before I go to the parade and get on the plane, I�m driving around trying to buy a camcorder. I want to be able to record every moment of this Super Bowl experience. But it�s the last thing I need to do before we get to Tampa.
All the family�s travel plans and needs have been taken care of. I�ll have a lot of family in Tampa, but I�m going to be focused on getting ready for the game. They�re not even going to let any family on to our hotel floor in Tampa.
Coach Billick gave us Sunday off. I loved it. It was very relaxing. I did some simple shopping for some last-minute items. And it gave me some time to let it sink in that we�re going to the Super Bowl. I knew we were going, but I guess I�ve been holding back, getting my work done and letting it set in. Now, we�re flying to Tampa and we�ll be right in the middle of it.
Like I said before, our defense needed the days off to rest. The way we play defense, we don�t need a lot of time on the field. We got our legs back and we went over the Giants� offense in our meetings, so we�ll be prepared when we get to Tampa. We haven�t seen anything new in the preparation. I think the Giants� offense will be true to character.
There was more media than usual in Baltimore last week, but they�ve been fine. I know there will be a lot more media in Tampa. All the national media will be there, but every local newspaper and TV station will be there, too. And that doesn�t bother me because it�s the most watched television event in the world. You�ve got to expect it and we�ll deal with it.
I was on the Ravens� television show last week. They miked me during the Tennessee playoff game and replayed it. I like doing TV, but I was shocked that they played some of (the audio). But that�s me. That�s what I�m like during a game. I talk a lot. I was being myself and I don�t mind everyone hearing it.
It will be good to get to Tampa and get on with the game. I hear that it�s cold down there and that�s fine with me because I packed for it. And we�re used to the cold in Baltimore.

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