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Baltimore Ravens Team Store Pressbox

Coach's Corner

Week 13

Friday - 11/30/2001

I told our team in the locker room after the Jacksonville game that they should get used to games like that one for the rest of the year. I expect close games that will go down to the wire. Now, those probably aren�t the type of games that will keep me young, but they will be fun. This is the crucial time of the year where the mettle and character of a team is revealed. We are 7-4 and we have just as good of a shot at making a run in the playoffs as any of the playoff eligible teams.

Regardless of our talent level or any team�s, the one thing that has to be there, is the passion, the intensity and the desire to win in the playoffs. The close games will draw that from my team.

It is wide open from this point on.

We are pretty banged up going into Sunday�s game vs. the Colts. A big part of our success in these coming weeks will be determined by the play of some of our reserves. Moe Williams is ready and I think he�ll play well. We will only have one of our regular starting defensive lineman, Goose, on Sunday. Adalius Thomas, Kelly Gregg, Lional Dalton and Larry Webster will have to step up and play big for us. Brad Jackson and Shannon Taylor will have to fill in at the linebacker position. This is a great opportunity for those players to prove that they can perform consistently. I am confident in their abilities and they are on our team because we believe that they can get the job done for us. It would be great to, while some of our starters get healthy, sustain a high level of performance and keep our win streak going.

Nothing has changed. We have to get it done with what we have for another week. We will see what happens.

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