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Transcript of chat with ROD WOODSON - 10/19/99 @ 7pm

MODERATOR: Welcome. Rod Woodson will be joining us tonight. He may be a little late, closer to 7:15 p.m. because he is finishing a radio interview. If at any time during this chat you get "kicked out" of this room, simply log back in and we'll resume the chat. Thanks. If you'd like to submit some questions now for Rod to answer, please do so at any time.

MODERATOR: Rod Woodson is here with us now!

ravnmary: how has moving to safety been for you so far?

ROD WOODSON: Its a change, from the different angles, I have to make different tackles and take more command of the defense. But at the same time its a new challenge that I'm enjoying.

thecount: Hi Rod! Any teams in particular you're looking forward to coming up against?

ROD WOODSON: There isn't really any team in particular but I'm looking forward to the next 11 - we should play a lot better.

thecount: How often do you come up against players that you used to be teammates with? what is that like?

ROD WOODSON: Its quite often cause Pittsburgh has let everybody go. Its always nice to see the guys doing well in other cities and with teams other than Pittsburgh.

thecount: So what is a typical week like with the Ravens, now that the season is started?

ROD WOODSON: Its a typical 40 hour work week but probably more physical than other professional jobs.

ravnmary: do you think the offense will start to jell soon?

ROD WOODSON: Yes I believe they will. Each and every week you can see improvement with the offensive system.

ravnmary: do you think free agency has hurt or helped the players?

ROD WOODSON: I think free agency has helped players and brought better parity in the league.

thecount: how do you like the city of baltimore? how does it compare to Pittsburgh and San Fran?

ROD WOODSON: I compare it to San Fran - with the water, the night life, and the different cultural backgrounds that are in the city.

ravnmary: what is it like working with Ray Lewis?

ROD WOODSON: That's funny cause I'm actually hanging out with Ray right now. He's a fun guy who is energetic and really enjoy's football.

thecount: who do you feel most comfortable hangin out with on the Ravens squad?

ROD WOODSON: I would say Ray.

ravnmary: Will Ogden play Thursday?

ROD WOODSON: He's been practicing so I would assume that he'll be in the lineup.

thecount: how's the knee Rod?

ROD WOODSON: Its doing wonderful! Thanks for your concern.

MODERATOR: Rod has to get going so submit your final questions!

ravnmary: who has the best offense that you play?

ROD WOODSON: So far its the Rams!

thecount: I just wanna say that you're a legend!

ROD WOODSON: Why thank you, I appreciate that. ravnmary :good night and good luck Thursday.

ROD WOODSON: Thank you and its been great chatting with you tonight.

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