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Transcript of chat with RAY LEWIS - 10/5/99 @ 7pm

MODERATOR: Welcome everyone, Ray Lewis is here with us...what questions do you have. *Note, if you get kicked out of the chat room at any time, just log back in....

erndog1: Hi Ray, I have a few questions for you. How hard is it to play at the level of quality that you play at, and not have so many of the other professionals on the team play anywhere near your level?. What do you think of Stoney Case as a player?.

RAY LEWIS: Oh Wow! That is a very difficult question. You can't look for everyone to play at the same level every Sunday. That's what separates the great players from the average players. I think Stoney is a player and a competitor

ravnmary: Hello Ray, How do you keep up the intensity you play with all game?

RAY LEWIS: Intensity is easy when you enjoy doing what you're doing. If I had to use one word to describe how I keep up my intensity its Passion, Passion for the game.

drew99: What do you think of Chris McAlister?

RAY LEWIS: Chris is a great player, he is a young player with a big heart. If I had to pick out one word for him it would be warrior.

ravnmary: Do you think that this game was a turning point for this team?

RAY LEWIS: I believe it was a turning point in the sense that everyone had counted us out, but that game showed that we have a lot of fight left in us.

drew99: Ray, do you patern your play after any particular player? Who were your idols as players?

RAY LEWIS: No, I don't pattern my play after anyone. My idols growing up were Ronnie Lott and Walter Payton.

rvnpa2000: I know that you want to win every game but you looked like you wanted to win the Steeler game even more .I really felt for you.

RAY LEWIS: I want to win every game. There really isn't one game that is more important than another. A competitor never separates a team, he just seperates his next opponent.

Poe Boy: Ray, the defense totally contained O'Donnell last year when he played for the Bengals...He had a big day last Sunday..Do you feel we have his number???

RAY LEWIS: We don't look at just one player when we do the game plan, we'll be looking at the whole Tennessee team.

drew99: Ray, if you were the coach and could trade for any defensive player in the league, who would it be and why?

RAY LEWIS: I wouldn't trade anybody on my team.

drew99: I really think you and Peter form the best 1-2 linebacker punch in the league. Jamie has really seemed to pick up his game hasn't he?

RAY LEWIS: Yes he has.

erndog1: Do you think the offense is starting to get the new system down

RAY LEWIS: We're a team and I really think that the offense is coming along.

drew99: What has Brian Billick meant to the team?

RAY LEWIS: Brian Billick is a 90's coach. He understands what his players need and what.

ravnmary: What kind of shape are the players in with there injures for the Tenn. game?

RAY LEWIS: As far I know, everyone is doing ok and trying to get healthy for the Tennessee game.

drew99: Hw has marvin Lewis grown as a defensive coordinator the past three years?

RAY LEWIS: Marvin deals with a lot of us young guys and he really understands us.

drew99: ray who do you think is the most dangerous offensive player you will face this year?

RAY LEWIS: I don't know and I'm not sure it really matters cause we have to play them regardless

purple bird: How often do you "freelance" like on the Graziani hit?

RAY LEWIS: I never freelance. I'm a team player and don't go out and play my own game.

ravnmary: do you play each game with a certain goal in mind for yourself ?

RAY LEWIS: I don't really go into a game with a certain goal. I only know how to play one way - FULL SPEED.N

drew99: Ray, does your number 52 have any significance?

RAY LEWIS: 52 itself doesn't have any significance, but I've always had a number with 2 in it. When I went into college, I picked number 52 to be as close to my roommate, god bless the dead, as possible.

drew99: Ray could you give us a defensive "call". It can be outdated, i'm just wondering about the defensive terminology.

RAY LEWIS: I can't tell you that!!

MODERATOR: Ray has to leave now, he wants to thank everyone for logging in with questions, Good Night and God Bless

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